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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 194
     Profile contains photos: 66
     In Memory: 22
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 17
     Military Service: 4
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 194    Newest Members: 194    Latest Comments: 78  

Mike Bako   
Doug Barnett    
Steve Bastow    
Rob Belgeri    
Tom Benton   
Ed Beveridge    
Kent Cornwall    
Kitty Dooley    
Rob Dunne   
Jeff Frame   
Mark Gebhardt    
Bj Goodwin   
Rich Harris    
Jim Hawkins    
Jeff Lamb   
Lee Lazaro   
Steve Loop   
Pat Lucas   
Gary Marquis    
Bob McGlashan    
Doug McLean    
Paul Meyerhof    
Linda Myers    
Bill Nash     
Bill Neal    
Gary Neff    
Ken Orr   
Jim Owen   
Vickie Peters    
Dean Read    
Jack Rogen   
Don Rogers   
Brett Simison    
Stan Smith    
David Sprowl    
Chris Staskus    
Bud Walker   

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